One Career Cloud
Analyze the industry for the better hirings
- Type
- Web
- Time
- Role
- UI design
- User Research
- Information Architecture
- Tools
- Sketch
- Visibility
- Private
ワンキャリアクラウド採用計画 is a brand new SaaS software developed to manage Japanese new graduate hiring in the cloud, which until now has been conducted inefficiently. On this tool, you can plan events for students by comparing your company’s event schedule with that of universities and competitors’ events for new graduate recruitment. You can also use the student reviews accumulated in ONE CAREER to make your own graduate recruiting events more creative and relevant to students.
My Role
As a designer, I was responsible for user research and UI design. It is worth mentioning, especially that together with my fellow designers, we thoroughly defined the interaction as a desktop web application, including buttons, dialogs, and each view. I also worked with my fellow engineers to prototype the UI using actual code to get a feel for the UI. We also defined and delivered UI components and visual styles so that the client could run their own development in the future.