For the better organization with one tool
- Type
- Web
- Time
- Role
- UI design
- User Research
- Information Architecture
- Tools
- Xcode
- Figma
- Sketch
- Visibility
- Private
SmartHR 人事評価機能 was developed to allow companies to conduct HR evaluations digitally, whereas they were previously conducted on paper. The product is designed to improve the efficiency of HR evaluations, which used to take a lot of time. The major difference between SmartHR and other HR evaluation products is that SmartHR’s accumulated HR database can be used to efficiently conduct evaluations, and the evaluation data can be used for other products in the future.
My Role
The scope of my responsibilities has changed significantly from the beginning of the project to the present. In the beginning, I was in charge of user research, wire framing, and UI design, but now I am in charge of usability testing and implementation in addition to those tasks. Now, I am in charge of this function where I work as a designer from planning to delivery to the end user.